Considering purchasing a commercial property? Having difficulty obtaining finance via mainstream lenders?
Then Flakus and Associates can provide you with a quick and less stressful finance solution. With tightening mainstream lender’s credit policies, Private Lenders have been increasingly popular as a viable option to provide finance solutions for short or long term.
Private Lenders offer flexibility and speed that may not be available with traditional banks. Generally, they require limited documentation and all loans must be in corporate entities. Most private loans are funded by wholesale or retail investors. Usually, these loans are Interest-Only for a short term, and may be ‘Rolled Over” for a further term (i.e.12 months). Loans are generally capped at 65% of valuation, but may increase to 75% (as a 2nd mortgage)
Flakus and Associates has extensive experience providing private Loans. Talk to us today.
Tags: private lenders funding